Policy Governance Analysis: A Study of Illegal Parking on One-Way Traffic in Malang City, Indonesia

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Fikri Gali Fernando Holqi


          This Article aimed to study (1) parking governance and policies in Malang City, Indonesia, (2) networking between the transportation office and the parking office to manage illegal parking in one-way traffic, and (3) rationalization of parking governance and policy to manage illegal parking in one-way traffic. The research sample included transportation agencies and parking officers in Jenderal Basuki Street, Malang City, Indonesia. In determining the subject through purposive sampling, the informant was selected based on his understanding of the research focus. Data collection techniques are done through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques through data collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research results were found as follows;
          1). In the governance of parking policies in Malang City, Indonesia, especially on Jenderal Basuki Street, implemented on (TJU), several types of vehicle coverage must be classified in the management and control of parking.
          2). A network of cooperation between the transportation agency and parking officers by providing signs such as KTA, PDH, and parking tickets labeled with the local government of Malang City, Indonesia.
         3). (Calculability), the government enacted a policy to unravel congestion. (Efficiency), The collection of parking funds is only done through the Letter of Assignment. (Control), control is only carried out once in three weeks. (Predictability), suboptimal control causes parking attendants to violate the rules. (Irrational Consequences), inefficient governance is increasing the number of illegal parking officers. (Human Resources Becoming Non-human), irrational consequences force the government to create an e-parking formulation that will later replace humans with machines.

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How to Cite
Fernando Holqi, F. G. (2025). Policy Governance Analysis: A Study of Illegal Parking on One-Way Traffic in Malang City, Indonesia. Journal of Sustainable Social Development, 3(1), 17–29. retrieved from https://so16.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/J_SSD/article/view/1090


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